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2012 WGPO Election Update #1

Laurie Cohen has resigned her position on the Board of Player Representatives (BPR).  The BPR has decided to fill the vacancy via a vote of the members.  This means that there are three BPR positions to be filled in the December election.  The terms of Peggy Grant and Larry Rand are expiring at the end of December.  Keith Hagel’s term on the Executive

Committee is expiring also.   These are 2-year terms.  The third-place finisher in the BPR election will serve for one year to fill out Laurie’s term.

To date, we have received nominations for Keith Hagel for Executive Committee and for Larry Rand and Bennett Jacobstein for Board of Player Representatives.

We encourage more nominations, but we need to have them by November 29.

Voting starts December 1.  For further details, see the website.

Nominations and Elections Committee:  Ruth Hamilton (, Marc Levesque (, Frank Kashuk (