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Colorado sent pictures, Iowa sent results

We’ve heard from two tournaments conducted over the weekend.

Loveland 1             Loveland 2   Loveland 3     Loveland 4

David Goldberg sent these scenes from Loveland, Colorado, November 8.

Wisconsin won the Minnesota-Wisconsin Border Battle, waged in Decorah, Iowa, November 8 – 9, with 2.8 games over expectation.  Director Mike Johnson reported these winners:

Team Minnesota:
1st: Steve Pellinen (11-3 +1332)
2nd: Lisa Odom (10-4 +1377)
Performance 1: Kathleen Murphy (+1.1 over expectation)
Performance 2: Bobbi Hendrickson (+.2 over expectation)
2nd Best Upset: Melissa Brown (+477 rating diff)
Team Wisconsin:
1st: Mike Johnson (10-4 +589)
2nd: Namoli Brennet (9-5 +68)
Performance 1: Ron Malzer (+2.1 over expectation)
Performance 2: Helen Flores (+1.5 over expectation)
Best Upset: Trish Coriden (+990 rating difference)