Dear Friends,
Yahoo recently announced that it is winding down its yahoo-groups forum and listservs. While WGPO’s current yahoo-groups listserv will likely be functional for at least the near future, it is time for WGPO to move to a more reliable forum for players and directors to send out tournament announcements and other important word game related news.
We’d like to announce the creation of a new WGPO google-group and listserv. We hope you will consider signing up. To join, send an email to . You will receive a join request email from googlegroups. Just click “Join this group” to submit your join request. You will receive an email confirming when your request to join has been approved (to filter out spam accounts). You should then be able to send/receive emails from our listserv: Those signing up through a google account can also access past messages by going to and logging in to their google account.
We hope you will join our new WGPO google-group listserv.
Mike Johnson on behalf of the Executive Committee