Updated 9/19/2024
Below is a list of WGPO clubs. There is no fee for listing your club on the WGPO roster. If you would like to have your club listed on the WGPO Clubs roster, please contact us at info@wordgameplayers.org
Siri Tillekeratne 403 281 2459 sirit@shaw.ca
Randall Thomas 403 220 9121 byte.mine@shaw.ca
Juraj Pivovarov j.pivovarov@gmail.com
Jason Krueger (587) 585-1776 jrdkrueger@me.com
Location: West Hillhurst Community Centre, 1940, 6 Ave. NW – GoGetters in the west end of the building
Wheelchair accessible
Dates and Times:
Thursdays: 6.45 p.m., starting Sept. 09, 2021. Cost: $3 for 3 games
Sundays: 12.00 noon, starting Sept. 19, 2021. Cost: $5 for 5 games
St Catharines
Casual and competitive play
Director: Mary Klein
Date/time: Every Wednesday 5 to 8 pm. Most players arrive 5-10 minutes early
Location: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays: St Catharines library – Merritt branch – 149 Hartzel Road, St Catharines, Ontario
All other Wednesdays: St Catharines library – Dr Huq branch – 425 Carlton Street, St Catharines, Ontario
Fees: None. Please bring Scrabble equipment if you have it.
Contact: Mary Klein m.
Homer Scrabble Club
Director: Mike Gracz
Date/Time: Ad hoc meetings, please contact director
Contact: Mike Gracz 907-235-3788,graczstenger@gmail.com, PO Box 15301 Fitz Creek, AK 99603
Director: Mike Wier
Date/Time: every day except Wednesday and Saturday at different locations and times. There is no entry fee and we play between 3 and 10 games a session. Stats are kept only on those who report their results.
Fees: None
Location: Varies.
Contact: Mike Wier mikewier@cox.net 602-789-0337 1538 E. Friess Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85022
Director: Mike Wier
Date/Time: Wednesdays and Saturdays at noon at different locations. There is no entry fee and we play between 3 and 10 games a session. Stats are kept only on those who report their results.
Fees: None
Location: Varies
Contact: Mike Wier mikewier@cox.net 602-789-0337 1538 E. Friess Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85022
Director: Laurie Cohen
Date/Time: 6 PM Tuesdays
Location: Coffee Plantation 7366 E Shea
Contact: Laurie Cohen laurie_cohen@hotmail.com and cell 480-603-8437
SuperScrabble Club
Director: Naurlene Canterman
Date/Time: Mondays at 2 PM
Location: Jason’s deli on Broadway
Contact: Naurlene Canterman, land line 520 886 9528 and cell 520 591 5221
Redwood City CA Scrabble Club
Mondays 5:00-8:30pm
Round Table Pizza
128 Woodside Plaza
Redwood City CA
Saint Vesdapunt
(973) 943-1555
DENVER/BOULDER area sessions
All of the sessions listed below have shared directorship and contacts:
Director: Diane Waldman, Diane.Waldman@du.edu
Website and Data: Jim Sherrill (jim_sherrill@hotmail.com)
Website: https://www.denverscrabble.com
Other members:
Laura Scheimberg: laura@nexgeni.com, ph. 303-979-0167
Dominick Mancine dmancine@gmail.com, ph. 303-506-2730
Paul McCarthy 303-347-2426
Date/Time: (Official session) Tuesdays: IHOP restaurant, 1595 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO, 6:30 p.m.
Date/Time: (Unofficial sessions): 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays: Panera Bread, 3702 River Point Pkwy, Unit A, Englewood, CO 80110, noon
2nd and 4th Sundays: Panera Bread, 1855 29th Street, Boulder, CO 80301, noon
Director: Bob Lichtenstein
Date/Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 6:00 – 8:30 PM
Location: Barnes & Noble; 470 Universal Drive N, North Haven, CT 06473
Fee: No fees, but you are encouraged to make purchases at the Cafe or bookstore. Bring a time clock if you have one.
We welcome players of all ages and levels. Less experienced players typically play untimed and are encouraged to use a cheat sheet for 2- and 3-letter words.
Contact: Bob Lichtenstein at blichtenstein6@gmail.com
Director: William Cody
Date/Time: Thursdays (excluding holidays) 5:15 pm.check in. Clocks start at 5:30.
Location: Fort Lauderdale Bridge Club 620 NE 8th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304
Fee: $4 for up to 4 games.
Contact: William Cody 267 301 2902
Must call or text by 6 pm Tuesday to guarantee a spot
Email me for information at codywilliam002@gmail.com
Directors: Laura Thomely, Chris Medved
Date/Time: 1-5pm Fridays
Location: Gainesville/Alachua County Senior Center, 5701 NW 34 Blvd, Gainesville FL 32653
Contact: ckmedved@cox.net, 352-514-6196
Director: Quinten Steenhuis
Date/Time: First and Third Sundays from 12:00 PM-3:00 PM
Location: Au Bon Pain @ Davis Square, 18 Holland St., Somerville, MA 02144
Website: http://www.meetup.com/Scrabble-Enthusiasts-of-Boston/
Fees: $1 per session or $10/year.
Director: Mike Fleck
Date/Time: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 4:30-6:30 pm
Location: Greenfield Public Library, 412 Main St, Greenfield, MA 01301
Informal, casual club. No food or drink allowed, just water.
Contact: Mike Fleck, mikefleck@gmail.com, 413-772-1544
Director: Brett Constantine
Date/Time: We play every Monday (except Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve) with games starting at 4:30 and usually ending well past 9. Players are welcome to arrive at any point in the evening and leave after any number of games.
Location: We play in the community room of the Lilly Library, 19 Meadow St, Florence, MA.
Fees: No fee.
Players may play with or without a timer, and the priority is FUN, but we have some very good players.
Contact: nohoscrabble@gmail.com, 413-387-9678.
We also have a website (https://sametwice.com/scrabble) and a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/NorthamptonScrabble).
Independent Worcester Scrabble® Club
Director: Chris Sinacola
Date/Time: Every Tuesday 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Location: Nu-Café, 355 Chandler St., Worcester 01602
Fees: No fee
We welcome any and all Scrabble® players, as always, with the understanding that our club will continue to play with unexpurgated lists for both OWL and Collins.
Contact: Chris at: cgsinacola@gmail.com
Since 2004
Director: Tom Gottsman
Date/Time: Every Wednesday 5:00 – 8:00 PM – come any time after 5
Location: Arbor Brewing Co., 114 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor, MI, 48104—ask the hostess where the club is
Fees: No fee. We have extra equipment so not necessary to bring a game set but sometimes helpful. Our host has food and beverages for purchase.
We generally play with TWL dictionary, all levels welcome.
Contact: tjgottsman@Hotmail.com
Director: Carol Dustin
Date/Time: Every Monday, 11:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m.
Location: The Park Tavern, 3401 Louisiana Ave. S., St. Louis Park, Mn. 55426
Lexicon: WOW24
There are no fees, but attendees are expected to order from the lunch menu.
Contact: Carol at dustydame@gmail.com; phone 612-789-6076
Director: Carol Dustin
Date/time: every Thursday from 2:00 to 8:00 p. m.
Location: Davanni’s Roseville, 1905 W Perimeter Dr, Roseville, MN 55113
Lexicon: WOW24
Contact: Carol at dustydame@gmail.com, ph. 612-789-6076
Director: Carlynn Mayer
Date/Time: We generally meet once a week in the evenings at the home of one of our players, but our weekday and place change frequently.
Location: —
Contact: Carlynn Mayer at carlynnmayer@att.net
Director: Miriam Green
Date/Time: Tuesdays, 9AM-3PM
Location: Paradise Recreation Center, at 4775 S. McLeod., Las Vegas, NV 89121
Contact: Miriam Green, lvscrabbler@earthlink.net
Director: Dave Nabutovsky
Date/Time: Thursdays, 9AM-3PM
Location: West Flamingo Senior Center, at 6255 W. Flamingo, Las Vegas, NV 89103
Contact: Dave Nabutovsky, Radiomania@aol.com
NASPA club 510
Director: Don Finkey
Date/Time: Every Wednesday 3:30 PM to 11:00 PM
Location: 340 Fremont St., Manchester, 03103.
Contact: Don at dfinkster@aol.com, ph. 603-321-3069
Director: David Weiss
Date/Time: Every Tuesday 5:30 p.m – 9:00 pm
Location: Chili’s, 6909 Menaul Blvd. NE, at the corner of Louisiana
Contact: David Weiss, 406-672-3895; davidoutwest@yahoo.com
Director: Stan Miranda
Date/Time: Every Saturday, Noon to 3:45 PM
Location: 1816 Illinois St NE (home of Stan Miranda)
Contact: Stan Miranda, 505-262-0087
Location: Principles Coffeehouse, 139 9th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Date/Time: Mondays from 6-9 pm (though I’m usually there by 5 if anyone wants to come early): February 5, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, further dates TBD.
Cost: FREE, but please buy something (drinks, snacks, etc) from our hosts, or just send them a few $ via Venmo to thank them for letting us use the space.
It’s unsanctioned and friendly with a lot of consultation play, some people with clocks, some without, no one is tracking results, etc.
Contact: Dan Wachtell, dwachtell at gmail.com
Informal. Casual players. Scrabble and SuperScrabble.
Date/Time: Thursdays 1 – 4.
Location: Lake Oswego Adult Community Center, 505 G Ave., Lake Oswego
Fees: None
Contact: Ruth Hamilton. ruthhamilton@q.com 503-675-7663
Informal games using tournament rules
Date/Time: Most Sundays 12 – 3:30 PM
Location: Lucky Labrador Brewpub, 915 SE Hawthorne, Portland
Contact: Mitch Bayersdorfer: bayersdorfer6 at gmail dot com
Website: https://pdxscrabble.neocities.org
Facebook: https://facebook.com/pdxscrabble
Informal games using tournament rules
Date/Time: Most Fridays 1 – 3:30 PM
Location: Soku Sushi and Noodle 19171 Willamette Drive, West Linn
Contact: Mitch Bayersdorfer: bayersdorfer6 at gmail dot com
Website: https://pdxscrabble.neocities.org
Facebook: https://facebook.com/pdxscrabble
COLUMBIA Scrabble Club
Director: Peggy Grant
Date/Time: contact Peggy
Location: contact Peggy
Contact: Peggy at mmgrantnp@aol.com, ph. 803-603-2139
West Seattle Scrabble Club
Informal, but we play according to tournament rules
Director: Claudia Finn
Date/Time: 2nd and 4th Mondays 4-9 PM
Location: The Missing Piece game café, 9456 35th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126 (closes at 10)
Fees: Optional $2 per player per session, if you want to be in the prize pool
Contact: Please contact us if you’re planning to attend. Claudia Finn westseattlescrabbleclub@gmail.com
Date/Time: Wednesdays, 6-10pm
1st, 2nd, 4th, optionally 5th Wednesdays of the month: Covenant Presbyterian Church, 26 South Segoe Road, Madison, WI 53705
3rd Wednesday of the month: Misty Mountain Games, 4672 Cottage Grove Rd, Madison, WI 53716
Charles Reinke, charlesreinke@gmail.com
Thomas Reinke, thomas.w.reinke@gmail.com
Richard Lauder (608 445 4147) usstamps@charter.net or Lynda Finn, lyndafinn@gmail.com
Website: http://madisonscrabble.com/
Director: Marty McCarthy
Date/Time: Every Tuesday at 5:00 pm
Location: Goodwill, 1600 W. 20th, Oshkosh, W
Contact: quinquennia@yahoo.com, ph. 920-299-1299
Website: http://www.freewebs.com/effun/
We donate $2 for the room.
Director: Barbara Peterson
Date/Time: Every Tuesday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Location: Laramie County Library, Cheyenne, WY. Meeting room can vary, but usually in the Cottonwood Room. Ask at Info Desk if we’re not in that room.
Contact: Barbara Peterson, Nocturne_CVS@yahoo.com Phone 307-274-2741
Rules: We don’t use tournament rules. No clocks, and Scrabble Dictionaries are allowed.
Fees: There are no fees. I provide the boards and tiles, paper and writing utensils.
Meetup Page: https://www.meetup.com/cheyenne-scrabble-club-meetup-group