(from Mike) NM Fall 2023 Scrabble Tournament, a one-day, eight-game event, has concluded with much excitement. Fifth-seeded Wally Schultz was up to 7-0 +624, with one game to go. Second-seeded Laurie L Cohen from Arizona was sitting at 6-1 +693 +909 and had to win by 109 points in the finale to capture first place. She won by 119, so both she ($200 prize) and Wally ($100) sported 7-1 records, Laurie taking it on just 20 spread points! The Queen of Scrabble has prevailed! In the Under 1500-rated group, Pamina Deutsch ($80) took top honors and Julia Swaney ($50) from Colorado took next honors. Everyone pitched in with a huge pot luck lunch. This was Pamina’s and my first WGPO-sanctioned event, and we hope to host more.