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CSW Main Event 27th Annual 4th of July Scrabble Tournament

4th of July/Bob Linn Superstars, Albany NY, 7/3/2025 - 7/6/2025 - Collins

32 games

35 players registered


Josh Greenway
Kieran O'Connor


View Flyer


Please check the flyer for details on how to sign up for this tournament.

Online signups through the WGPO website are coming soon.


CSW Lite: $150
CSW Superstars: $250

Division 1

1Will Anderson*2144
2Kevin Fraley2036
3Austin Shin*2031
4Matthew O'Connor*1963
5Laurie Cohen*1834
6Jason Carney*1816
7Jason Ubeika1788
8Becky Dyer1783
9BJ Premore1757
10Niel Gan*1725
11Adebola Sanya*1655
12Mark Francillon1645
13Michael Fleck*1620

Division 2

1Terry Kang1575
2Rebecca Soble1575
3Lindsay Shin*1516
4Judy Cole*1485
5Shauna Petrie*1442
6Steve Ozorio1416
7Joe Roberdeau*1400
8Priya Fernando*1341
9Jane Geary1306
10Abdul Majid Khan*1282
11Elise Bickford1216
12Ather Sharif*1158
13Sharmaine Farini*1128
14Beth Leech1103
15Sophia Ozorio1084
16Sharon Freeman*1015
17Lea Shin1015
18Gerianne Abriano985
19Jonathan Cai*932
20Suzanna D'Costa843
21Nora Keil*602
22Karen Slegers459

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