The Nominations and Elections Committee has reviewed the election results, and unanimously agreed to certify them as posted. We congratulate all of the candidates for…
News Archive
WGPO T-shirts will be available for purchase in the February Phoenix tournament. I have limited sizes, so if you are interested in reserving a shirt,…
Campaigning by and/or for any candidate on the ballot for WGPO office will be permitted during the election period, starting with the publication of the…
Nominations are now open for the new election of officers to lead our organization, subsequent to the nullification of the December vote, which was voided…
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Bylaws of the Word Game Players’ Organization an election was held for positions on the WGPO Executive Committee and the…
*** Note: The election results have been nullified. *** On behalf of the Nominations and Election Committee, I am proud to announce the official results…
Presented by the Word Game Players’ Organization Scrabble® Crossword Game Tournament Location: Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. 2nd Street, Reno, Nevada, United States Website:…
Dear members, The main pages of our website are open to the public, members and nonmembers alike. The Forum section of the website is where…
WGPO nomination period was closed on 11/28/2010. We have 5 candidates running for 3 positions on the Executive Committee and 8 candidates running for 5…