Tournament Schedule & Ratings
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WGPO Player Statistics
Quiros, Frank

Total Winnings: $155

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1Winter in the VillageLaguna Woods, CA1969/12/3143000C6 of 10-Standard662883685
2California Open -- NWLPalm Springs CA1969/12/31314000A42 of 42-Standard677533662
3Long Beach Hallo-One-DayLong Beach, CA 1969/12/3142010C2 of 8$65Standard651971677
4Monrovia Summer TournamentMonrovia, CA2016/06/0534000E4 of 6$15Standard0562562
5Monrovia One DayMonrovia, CA2016/09/2534000E8 of 12-Standard562602570
6Long Beach Fall TourneyLong Beach, CA2017/10/0815010D11 of 11-Standard570157526
7Los Angeles Winter GamesLos Angeles, CA2018/01/1425000D14 of 16-Standard526584533
82018 Spring Tile FlingLong Beach Bridge Club Long Beach, CA2018/04/1524100F6 of 8-Standard533450521
9Word Cup 9 Warm UpLong Beach, CA2019/06/0242010E3 of 7-Standard521834573
10Long Beach Late Summer ClassicLong Beach2019/09/0852000F2 of 6$75Standard5731011656
11June at the SaloonLaguna Woods CA2022/06/0417000B10 of 10-Standard656441633
12Canter's World Famous Deli -- NWLLos Angeles CA2023/01/2906000C8 of 8-Standard633138609
13To Live and Scrabble in L.A.Los Angeles CA -- Downtown2023/04/0243000B3 of 6-Standard6091006651