Please join us for our 31st September tournament, held over Labor Day Weekend. After a 3-year pandemic pause, we’re back, better than ever, with a…
News Archive
Some of us are having too much fun! But we’re all enjoying the adventure.
June 2023 Minutes
The Southeast Major for 2023 starts today in Columbia, SC today! Follow the live coverage at
From Secretary Kathleen Murphy: Minutes May 2023
From Secretary Kathleen Murphy: Minutes April 2023
It was unseasonably cool for March 25, but we warmed up with a six-game tournament. Scott Smith hosted, Mitch Bayersdorfer directed. As if directing were…
Doobie Kurus shared these photos from a Friday night escape room episode. All five players made it to the weekend’s games unscathed. Mike Johnson directed an…
Shared by WGPO President, Laurie Cohen: On March 7, we found out that we lost Larry Rand. It was only a little over a year…
WGPO Secretary Kathleen Murphy has prepared minutes from recent Board meetings. Minutes from February 5th Meeting Minutes from March 5th Meeting