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Frank Quiros | Los Angeles, CA (US)


682 WOW

(peak: 685)

Overall Record

43 wins

74 losses

1 tie


338 for

372 against

Per-Lexicon Averages


    338 - 372

Per-Lexicon Record


    43 - 74 - 1


View Head-To-Head Stats

Total Winnings



DateTournamentWLTSpreadPlace (division)Old RatingNew RatingPrizes
1/18/20252025 Crescent City Cup713-102140 of 44 (2)685682
1/27/2024Winter in the Village43+1806 of 10 (3)662685
12/8/2023California Open -- NWL314-135642 of 42 (1)677662
10/29/2023Long Beach Hallo-One-Day42+4142 of 8 (3)651677$65.00
4/2/2023To Live and Scrabble in L.A.43+1573 of 6 (2)609651
1/29/2023Canter's World Famous Deli -- NWL06-4308 of 8 (3)633609
6/4/2022June at the Saloon17-110610 of 10 (2)656633
9/8/2019Long Beach Late Summer Classic52+1852 of 6 (6)573656$75.00
6/2/2019Word Cup 9 Warm Up42+993 of 7 (5)521573
4/15/20182018 Spring Tile Fling241-656 of 8 (6)533521
1/14/2018Los Angeles Winter Games25-23914 of 16 (4)526533
10/8/2017Long Beach Fall Tourney15-24911 of 11 (4)570526
9/25/2016Monrovia One Day34-208 of 12 (5)562570
6/5/2016Monrovia Summer Tournament34-2064 of 6 (5)0562$15.00