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Angela Weston | Redwood Valley, CA (US)


1525 WOW

(peak: 1563)

Overall Record

455 wins

419 losses

3 ties


384 for

381 against

Per-Lexicon Averages


    384 - 381

Per-Lexicon Record


    455 - 419 - 3


View Head-To-Head Stats

Total Winnings



DateTournamentWLTSpreadPlace (division)Old RatingNew RatingPrizes
2/15/2025Phoenix Presidents Day Weekend Tournament -- WOW137+4382 of 18 (2)14621525
1/13/2024Crescent City Cup811-82043 of 53 (1)14901462
2/18/2023WGPO West Regional (annual Van Rand tournament) -- NWL416-134920 of 20 (1)15631490
2/19/202237th Annual Phoenix Tournament - TWL155+8682 of 28 (2)14851563$330.00
9/13/20214th Annual Baseball and Scrabble Road Trip1111+425 of 12 (1)15051485
8/13/202129th Annual Silicon Valley Classic153+9881 of 10 (2)14591505$260.00
1/18/202036th Annual Phoenix tournament1010+4011 of 18 (1)13951459$150.00
10/19/2019WGPO Returns to Reno68-969 of 12 (2)14321395
10/18/2019WGPO Returns to Reno -- Early Bird13-2714 of 4 (2)14541432
3/16/2019Greeneye1013-45812 of 18 (1)14501454
2/16/201935th Annual Phoenix tournament128+5086 of 20 (2)13751450
1/20/2019Western Caribbean Scrabble53+2363 of 10 (1)13681375$10.00
1/12/2019Loveland Single-Day Tourney26-3919 of 10 (1)13841368
11/17/2018Monumental Scrabble53+3492 of 10 (2)13891384$84.00
9/29/2018Loveland Single-Day Tourney25-1158 of 9 (1)13971389
7/7/2018Word Cup 8 TWL31615+31311 of 32 (2)14411397
2/17/201834th Annual Phoenix Main Event119+629 of 20 (2)14491441
1/13/2018Loveland Single-Day Tourney53+153 of 8 (1)14141449$29.00
11/18/2017Monumental Scrabble Tournament26-46610 of 10 (1)14501414
11/9/2017Grand Canyon 36134+6891 of 16 (3)13761450$550.00
9/25/2017GRITS VIII95+4753 of 14 (1)13861376$75.00
9/24/2017GRITS VIII - EB23+163 of 6 (1)14151386$10.00
9/16/2017NCSC & Denver & Boulder Scrabble Tourney35-559 of 12 (1)14221415
1/14/2017Pinkeye134+12813 of 18 (1)13521422
10/22/2016ScrabbleQuerque94+6622 of 18 (2)13331352$210.00
9/26/2016GRITS VII126+4453 of 18 (1)13271333$124.00
7/30/2016Word Cup 2016- WJ2/TWL3 Main Event14161-6025 of 36 (2)13471327
5/21/2016Northern Colorado & Denver/Boulder Scrabble Tournament44+2115 of 10 (1)13251347$5.00
2/13/2016Phoenix 2016 Main Event713-51518 of 20 (2)13681325$20.00
2/12/2016Phoenix 2016 Early Bird26-2337 of 8 (2)14061368
9/28/2015GRITS VI115+8533 of 16 (1)14001406$95.00
7/25/2015Northern Colorado & Denver/Boulder Clubs34-1946 of 8 (1)14081400
3/21/2015Loveland Scrabble Tournament35-1838 of 10 (1)14091408
1/17/201510th Annual Redeye Tournament1021-153413 of 14 (1)14771409
11/8/2014Loveland Scrabble Tournament53+673 of 8 (1)14231477$25.00
9/22/2014GRITS V115+3843 of 16 (1)14191423$90.00
8/2/20142014 WGPO Word Cup Main Event1516-47017 of 32 (2)14211419
4/12/2014Loveland, CO62+3211 of 10 (1)13271421$68.00
1/18/2014Twin Cities Redeye1518+4510 of 12 (2)13781327
11/9/2013Loveland Scrabble Tourney35-3047 of 8 (1)13751378
10/27/2013Fall Color-ado Late Bird22+217 of 14 (1)13711375
10/26/2013Fall Color-ado Main Event67+3076 of 8 (2)13841371$10.00
9/23/2013GRITS IV97+1426 of 16 (1)14011384$15.00
8/7/2013WGPO Word Cup - Late Bird22+1972 of 4 (1)14071401$20.00
7/13/2013Loveland44-1686 of 10 (1)14031407
4/26/2013Rocky Mountain Rumble - Main Event69-15110 of 12 (1)14111403
4/26/2013Rocky Mountain Rumble - Early Bird32-313 of 6 (1)13811411$30.00
2/16/2013The Jim Wait Memorial 2013 Phoenix Tourney - ME128+2517 of 20 (2)13681381
2/15/2013The Jim Wait Memorial 2013 Phoenix Tourney - EB53-1043 of 8 (2)13511368$50.00
1/26/2013Loveland35-1478 of 10 (1)13511351
1/19/2013Twin Cities Redeye17151-304 of 12 (2)13541351$75.00
10/13/2012Denver-Boulder Scrabble Tournament35-3316 of 8 (1)13641354
9/27/2012GRITS III1231+13401 of 16 (1)13211364$210.00
8/4/2012WGPO Word Cup 20121615-22920 of 40 (2)12741321$130.00
1/14/2012Twin Cities Redeye VII1617-2957 of 12 (2)12781274
9/22/2011GRITS II97+2376 of 16 (1)12821278
9/25/20102010 GRITS Tournament79+28011 of 16 (1)13521282