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Lois Oda | Daly City, CA (US)


751 WOW

(peak: 888)

Overall Record

86 wins

139 losses

2 ties


331 for

366 against

Per-Lexicon Averages


    331 - 366

Per-Lexicon Record


    86 - 139 - 2


View Head-To-Head Stats

Total Winnings



DateTournamentWLTSpreadPlace (division)Old RatingNew RatingPrizes
2/2/2025Monthly Bay Area Tournament - Seven Rounds15-6837 of 7 (1)749751
12/1/2024Monthly Bay Area Tournament06-9716 of 6 (2)760749
11/18/2024Scrabble After Dark22-2664 of 7 (2)761760
7/27/2024Word Cup 2024 - WOW11181-78837 of 40 (4)781761
7/26/2024Word Cup 2024, Early Bird -- WOW23+894 of 6 (10)789781$20.00
7/7/2018Word Cup 8 TWL31219-113523 of 26 (3)842789
4/15/20182018 Spring Tile Fling16-3638 of 8 (5)888842
1/14/2018Los Angeles Winter Games43-1038 of 16 (4)873888$7.50
7/2/2017Long Beach Games43-915 of 10 (4)866873
4/9/2017Monrovia CA Games52+2343 of 8 (5)850866$45.00
1/8/2017Monrovia Winter Tournament52+762 of 8 (5)829850$60.00
9/25/2016Monrovia One Day34+1817 of 12 (5)858829
7/2/2016Summer Reno 2016511-66520 of 22 (1)843858$50.00
6/5/2016Monrovia Summer Tournament43-565 of 8 (4)824843
1/10/2016Monrovia, CA One Day25-13110 of 10 (4)846824
1/18/20142014 Reno MLK - Main Event7111-61314 of 20 (2)823846$100.00
1/15/2011Reno MLK Main Event612-86051 of 56 (2)805823
7/2/2010WCC Main1115-31215 of 19 (3)813805
6/30/2010WCC EB119-121024 of 24 (1)822813